Friday, February 21, 2014

The Flash

I recieved a call late on Wednesday night from a girl I met while out eating at a restaurant. She was a waitress there and remembered I made cakes. I think I had given her one of my cards. She seemed desperate to get a cake seeing she had just realized her husbands birthday was the next day. We had first agreed on a NY giants cake. Early the next morning while I was preparing the cookies and cream cake batter (her husbands favorite) she text and asked if I could do a flash the superhero cake. Mind you most themed cakes take me at least a week for decorations. I had to simplify the design seeing most fondant would not be dry same day. She requested I put happy birthday to the greatest husband and father ever. It's was only going to be six inch cake. I decided on doing the cake to look like flashes head with the lighting bolts on each side and his emblem on the top. I didn't have time to make red fondant so I had to wing it with making red buttercream which is very hard to do because 9 times out of 10 you get pink. Luckily the cake was not due till 6 that evening and I had researched where you could keep adding color and letting it sit in the fridge and it will deepen in color. It worked!! I ended up with red and the cake turned out great he really enjoyed it.
All decorations are homemade marshmallow fondant and all edible. 

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