Saturday, February 1, 2014

Octopus Birthday Cake

I had a lady call me wanting a birthday cake for a friend that was turning 65. I of course start off by asking her what her friend enjoys doing, colors she likes and other details that might inspire a cake theme. She told me that her frend likes octopuses and the color red. I initially wanted to do somthing more conservative and girly when she said no lets do something funny lets do a cake and put a red octopus on top.... I laughed and was completly happy she decided to keep the birthday cake humorous which is exactly my type. We worked out a few more details including doing the actual cake with an ocean theme. The octopus head is made out of Rice Krispie treats and covered in fondant and the legs are fondant. The details are also fondant. The cake was a white cake with chocolate filling and buttercream dyed blue. 

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