Friday, February 21, 2014

The Flash

I recieved a call late on Wednesday night from a girl I met while out eating at a restaurant. She was a waitress there and remembered I made cakes. I think I had given her one of my cards. She seemed desperate to get a cake seeing she had just realized her husbands birthday was the next day. We had first agreed on a NY giants cake. Early the next morning while I was preparing the cookies and cream cake batter (her husbands favorite) she text and asked if I could do a flash the superhero cake. Mind you most themed cakes take me at least a week for decorations. I had to simplify the design seeing most fondant would not be dry same day. She requested I put happy birthday to the greatest husband and father ever. It's was only going to be six inch cake. I decided on doing the cake to look like flashes head with the lighting bolts on each side and his emblem on the top. I didn't have time to make red fondant so I had to wing it with making red buttercream which is very hard to do because 9 times out of 10 you get pink. Luckily the cake was not due till 6 that evening and I had researched where you could keep adding color and letting it sit in the fridge and it will deepen in color. It worked!! I ended up with red and the cake turned out great he really enjoyed it.
All decorations are homemade marshmallow fondant and all edible. 

Hey batter batter!

Baseball, Americas past time. I'll have to say out of all sports I can get into baseball and really look forward to this years season. This cake was ordered for a man turning 75 and he loves baseball particularly the Red Sox. She said whatever I wanted to do as long as it's baseball. We also decided on a marble cake with buttercream frosting. Everything is edible. 
The hat and ball are made from homemade Rice Krispie treats covered in fondant. The glove and mitt is also made from fondant. 
The finished product turned out to he one of the best detailed cakes I've done. 


I live in a community that almost everything revolves around golf. You ask people how they are doing and their answer typically goes like this " I'm good swings getting better shot a 67 on Monday on north course. Hole 9 turf seems a little fast....." You get my drift. It's all Greek to me. I've tried to understand the point of trying to put a little ball in a hole with a long stick and just can't seem to grasp it... Really any sport. So anyways I had the pleasure this week making some cupcakes for an older lady who didn't want a cake or anything fancy she just want cupcakes with a theme that was golf. We settled with carrot cake and cream cheese frosting. Decorations were made from homemade marshmallow fondant and it's all edible. I think they turned out great! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tennis Birthday cake

This cake i would say is one of my favorites. It was for a avid tennis player turning 65 it was also a surprise birthday party (my favorite). The lady ordering the cake had recieved a golf themed cake from me for her birthday that had her standing on top swinging golf club so she insisted I make a figurine that looked like her friend and matched the color of her tennis attire which was turqouise. The tennis balls are made from Rice Krispies covered in fondant and the figurine is also fonadnt along with all the details. 

Mother and son birthday cake

A regular customer of mine called and odered a cake for her son in law. She requested a fishing theme cake. She also wanted it to be red velvet with cream cheese frosting. I started planning on how to do this cake and had layed out my idea with a dock and fish and have a fishing pole. The week the cake was due the lady called and was in a panic because she had just found out her son in laws mom was coming in and it was her birthday to. She asked if there was anyway I could half the cake and do some sort of flowers and add her name. Luckily it played into my original design and with a few minor adjustmenst this cake turned out great and they loved it.

Bows and flowers birthday cakes

Two cakes I had the pleasure of making this month where requested kind of last minute and both wanted somthing vey simple. I opted for the lady wanting a small six inch cake for two of her best friends who were as she stated were going to be over the hill at 40 a white cake with buttercream and gumpaste flowers that were pretty spring colors. She loved the idea. The second cake a lady called and odered and it was for her own birthday. She explained to me that they never celebrate birthdays but her husband recently had been diagnosed with cancer and was having his first round of chemo and wanted to have his family together kids and all and have cake and icecream. I was very happy to do this simple cake for her with a  fondant pink bow and gumpaste flowers. The cake was a white cake with buttercream.

Octopus Birthday Cake

I had a lady call me wanting a birthday cake for a friend that was turning 65. I of course start off by asking her what her friend enjoys doing, colors she likes and other details that might inspire a cake theme. She told me that her frend likes octopuses and the color red. I initially wanted to do somthing more conservative and girly when she said no lets do something funny lets do a cake and put a red octopus on top.... I laughed and was completly happy she decided to keep the birthday cake humorous which is exactly my type. We worked out a few more details including doing the actual cake with an ocean theme. The octopus head is made out of Rice Krispie treats and covered in fondant and the legs are fondant. The details are also fondant. The cake was a white cake with chocolate filling and buttercream dyed blue.